When God Doesn't.

Hi all!

I'm sorry I had to take a break yesterday (for my surgery). It was an outpatient thing so, I'm back home and ready to rock. Let's talk!

As mentioned in my last blog, I stated I had to get hernia surgery. There was about a 2 month gap between me being diagnosed with one, and my surgery date. During that time, I prayed fervently that God would heal it so I didn't have to go through with surgery. I mean, He can do anything! Surely it would be like nothing for him to heal a little hernia. But you know what? He didn't heal it. I still had to have surgery yesterday. Yes, I know my situation/surgery could've been much worse... such as people with cancer or people who have to lose limbs... however; I was still cut open and now in a lot of pain. So what happens when 'God doesn't?' You can insert whatever you want after that phrase. 

I will use, of course, a personal story from a few years ago. I was working at a place that started sucking the life out of me. You know the drill, they promised me things would get better and it never did. So, I started looking for other employment opportunities. During this time I was also pregnant with our first son. I think I was about 7 months along. As you know, most companies won't offer maternity leave right off the bat. I don't know why I wasn't thinking about that, I was just so eager to get out of my job that I started to hate. I did have multiple interviews with different places, but no one called me back for a second interview, etc. So there I was, defeated and discouraged. Why didn't God help provide a new job for me? He knew I was miserable where I was. Then I saw the bigger picture. 

You see, my work anniversary was coming up close to the time our son would be born. This particular work year, I received some 'bonus time off' to use, as well as my regular time off being rolled over. Had God not kept me in the job I was in at that time, I would not have received all that time off, plus maternity leave. I would've gone almost 12 weeks with no pay, which my husband and I certainly could not afford to do! This is just one of many stories of the good that comes out of my 'when God doesn't' moments.

"Ok Keily, what was the good that came from not healing your hernia?" I have issues with sitting still. I can't just not do anything. Whether it's staying busy around the house or out of the house running around, I'm always doing something it seems. God has put it on my heart before that I need to rest. Of course in Christianity, our rest days are known to be on Sundays. (and on the seventh day God rested... Genesis 2:2) I honestly never rest, though. So I feel that God did not heal me of this hernia because He knew I would have to get surgery, and would cause me to rest for a few weeks. I know you're probably thinking "wow some God..." but trust me when I say He knows what is best for us. Things in life might freak us out, might make us very angry, it might even make us question our faith... but friend He Alone knows what is best. His timing is perfect and He really does work all things for our good! (Romans 8:28) I believe He takes us through times of testing our faith also, which leads to a deeper relationship with Him. Whatever you are facing today, just know that He loves you deeply and really truly cares for you! 

Let's pray:

Heavenly Father, I thank you for being with us no matter what we go through. Life is hard, and I have no idea what we would do or how we would survive without You! Thank You for Your mercy and grace that are new every morning. Thank You for watching over us, and for always working things out for our good. It might not seem like it or feel like it, but You DO work all things for our good. (for those who are called according to Your purpose.. Romans 8:28) You ARE always working in our lives, in some way or another. I pray Lord a special blessing on those reading my blog today. Speak to their hearts God, that they would feel Your Presence and know that they are in good Hands. In Jesus Name I pray,



  1. I love this story and that's God for you. He always knows what's best for us.


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