Desert Road.

 One of my favorite Christian bands is Casting Crowns. They have a song entitled "Desert Road" which goes:

"I don't know where this is goin' 

But I know Who holds my hand.

It's not the path I would've chosen
But I'll follow You to the end
Lord, as long as I am breathin'
I will make Your glory known
Even if it means I'm walkin' on this desert road"

Does that resonate with anyone reading this today? You feel like you've been on a desert road for what seems like an eternity now? I see you, and I feel the same way. Let's talk about it. 

Webster's Dictionary defines 'desert' as follows:

  • arid land with usually sparse vegetation... *especially  such land having a very warm climate and receiving less than 25 centimeters (10 inches) of sporadic rainfall annually
  • an area of water apparently devoid of life

Doesn't sound like the kind of place I'd want to be in, yet here I am. On a desert road in my life. This year has not been very kind, and I feel as the months go on it just keeps getting meaner. Yes I know it is a struggle for everyone everywhere as inflation skyrockets, wars break out, wildfires... etc. I also know that my little struggles aren't as bad as others' struggles and it could be a lot worse for me. However, that doesn't negate what I'm going through. Problems with our house keep popping up. My husband's car needs fixed. I have an umbilical hernia and have to have surgery tomorrow. Our neighbors on the one side of us are dangerous and loud. I am fearful for our kiddos. I am livid about the procedure I have to have done. The 'money well' is drying up fast as we only have one income now. Sound like a road you've been down before? Where it's just problem after problem. You are so exhausted and so 'thirsty' but all you see around you is dust and dry land. Complete with a tumbleweed rolling by. 

Can I be completely honest here? I am angry. I'm angry that life is just hard. I'm angry that I have my hernia in the first place. I'm angry that it feels like no matter how hard my husband and I try to be smart about our finances, something else comes up and makes us start at square one. "Ok Keily, big deal that's life." You're right, it is. But right now, I've about had enough. But, you know Who else was in a desert place at one point in His life? Jesus.

He was hanging on the cross when he said these words (found in Mark 15:34):

"And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”)

Forsaken. Alone. No help in sight. Sounds pretty desert-ish to me, don't you think so? And that my friend, is how I currently feel. The good news, though, is that I am never alone or forsaken. (Joshua 1:5) You aren't, either! If you feel like you can't go on, if you feel like you are on that never-ending desert road, there is hope my friend. Life might be hard and it seems it'll be that way forever but I promise you that Jesus is with you every step of the way. And one day.... “‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’” (Romans 14:11) Jesus is our Living Water in the desert. He will get me through, and He will get you through too!

I had a thought a little while ago that I would love to pray for us at the end of my blogs. If you've read this far, then let's pray together!:

Father I thank You that You never leave us or forsake us. I thank You that no matter what we go through, You are right by our side. It might not seem like it or feel like it, but I've gone through enough in my life where I can truly say I know You are with me/us every step of the way. Thank You for this blogging platform I can use to hopefully bring someone some encouragement, and remind them how Good You are. Thank you for each person reading this, I pray a special blessing over them. Help us Lord to feel Your Presence today, and always. In Jesus Name I pray, AMEN!


  1. Thank you for sharing and being honest. I've been praying for you about that hernia surgery you are having today. Girl, it's okay to be honest with God and tell Him how you're feeling as He already knows anyway. But I love reading this, that even though your angry, you know who has everything under control and you're running to Him and away. By this, I know you will be okay in His time. Hang in there and be encouraged knowing Jesus loves you and lots of people are praying for you.


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