Ah, Another Blogger.

Ah, another blogger. If you enjoy reading about other people's personal lives well then friend, allow me to introduce myself.

Hello! My name is Keily. (pronounced like 'Keely') I have to add the pronunciation because I get called everything besides my actual name. It doesn't offend me in the slightest, I just like to clarify. I am first and foremost, a child of the Most High God. I am also a wife and a Mom. I have had the title of wife for 5 years now. Yes, I am still a newbie at this whole marriage thing. I have been a Mom for 4 years now. I am married to an extremely nerdy, yet incredible, husband. We have two boys whom I love with everything in me. Our oldest will be 4 next month, and our youngest just turned 7 months old. I am also new to being a stay at home Mom. As you can imagine, my days are filled with all the things all the time. I fully understand that days can still be filled with everything all the time without kids, but raising little humans adds even more to the life schedule. I don't have any fur babies at the moment, maybe some day!

I was born and raised in Ohio, and I am still here. A large majority of my family is in Ohio, so I love being in close proximity to them! Speaking of birth, I was born in '90. (insert N*SYNC music in the background.) I was raised in a Christian home. My Mom homeschooled both my brother and I for the longest time. I finished out my high school Junior and Senior years at a Christian school. I was never forced into anything I didn't believe for myself to be true, nor was I forced into Christianity. I did, however, run from God for a time in my life. I will get into those details later, don't you worry.

As like most people I know, I survive on coffee and Jesus. I love all things fall and pumpkin spice. Fall is my favorite season! I absolutely cannot survive if the temperature is higher than 70 degrees. It's bad. Please don't talk to me if it's 90 degrees outside, you will see the bad side of me. I am not a fan of winter, but I absolutely love Christmas! I also love all things beauty and skincare. There is just something magical about going to a spa/salon. Self care is important!

So, sounds like a typical girl am I right? Well, I also enjoy going to shooting ranges. I have my Dad to thank for showing me firearm safety, and training me on how they work and how to shoot. Some of my best memories are with my Dad, going together to get a little "range therapy" as we like to call it. When I was younger, he used to take me hunting with him. Best time ever! 

Well friend, if you've made it to the end of these paragraphs, you now know a little bit about who I am. I have gone through many good times and bad, as we all have. Through it all, the Lord has not left me. Not even one time! My heart and thoughts behind this whole blogging thing is that maybe, just maybe, someone might be encouraged and reminded that no matter what life brings none of us are alone. 

Talk soon! 


  1. I love that you are doing this Keily. I've already learned some thing about you that I didn't know. I will be following you. I started blogging in September of 2008 and consider my blog my journal. I enjoy looking back sometimes and being reminded of all the little things I've forgotten.


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